Monday, August 29, 2005

17 Weeks

I am having the best lunch ever and consequently, the best day ever as a result. Why??? I am eating CHEESE!!! Mwaa Ha Ha ha...

Okay okay, so I know I am not supposed to eat cheese, but we were having this amazing conversation about cheese at Ruby's birthday on Saturday night, and well, in case you forgot, I'm pregnant and I have been CRAVING CHEESE LIKE A MAD WOMAN!! The conversation was about how when you go to countries south of the United States, people who are usually Lactose intolerant can miraculously eat cheese. WHY??? Well what we figured was that it must be because they don't mass produce it, which means you're not getting milk from sick, tired overly drugged and tortured cows and they don't pasturize the crap out of it like we do here. So Ifound some Organic Raw Milk cheese which claims to be 99% lactose free. On the label they talk about how good their cows are treated and that they only eat fresh grass. At this point, my taste buds are in control and I'm not all that concerned with whatever consequences I may suffer later tonight at the book club meeting. Oh and I got a GIGANTIC PICKLE from the deli and it's really hitting the spot. Hmmmm, I wonder what other pregnant stereotype I can fill today...

Oh and I am at day 5 without feeling the slightest bit nautious, I think I felt the baby kick yesturday and I am definately showing now. But enough of that, I have to eat...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Well that was easy...

I came in to work today and there was my supervisor who is supposed to be on vacation til September. Before I could say anything she came up to me and gave me a really big hug. She already knew!! She was so happy and gushy, it was fantastic. Of course! she IS a mother herself! So she passed on many stories about her pregnancy and all that and now, EVERYONE KNOWS!!! I'm free to be as pregnant as I want, yippee!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

16 weeks

I spent the end of last week in bed with an ice pack on my hurting hurting head. My hunger increased 2 fold and it's like it took me a while to realize that I now need to eat EVEN MORE food, so I paid the price with a headache. Then I paid the price with the most violent round of puking yet, you know the kind where it comes out your nose! So when a bunch of our friends decided it would be great to go camping for the weekend, I wasn't so sure I wanted to spend the weekend at a beautiful lake, paralyzed by my headache and attracting bears with my vomit. Luckily I have fantastic friends and a great husband who packed all the gear and did all the shopping and let me make the decision to go or not on Saturday morning. I woke up virtually headache free and had the best time camping at Weaver Lake with some of my best friends. The weather was fantastic and we spent the day hiking and swimming and eating. I actually think camping is the best medicine for overly hungry pregnant women, because that's all you do is eat!

Yesterday Devinder and I went to town on our house clearing room for the truck load of baby stuff my dad is arriving with today. We're feeling a little overwhelmed with change and lack of space but uber excited to have a baby room with baby things in it. I dug out my baby blanket, baby curtains, old stuffed animals and a plate that was made by my mom when I was born. Devinder was reading last night that you can usually start to feel kicks between 16 and 20 weeks, so any time now for me. It is more common to feel them sooner with your second pregnancy than your first cause you remember what they feel like. My mom said at first they just feel like gas bubbles, which I have a lot of, so it's kind of hard to get excited and start thinking it's the baby kicking in case it's just gas!

I had a strange baby dream the other night (theyr'e all strange really). I was playing with our baby who had LOTS of black hair. I looked over at Devinder and asked him "so did we have a girl or a boy I can't remember?" He said "Girl" and I said "Oh yeah, right, Zoe..."

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

15 Weeks!

My stomache has finally started talking to my brain, and yesturday it said "escargot" and my brain said "sounds great!" and so that's what I had for first dinner last night. Then my stomache said "pasta" and my brain said "yummy" but when I bit into it my mouth said "yuck, no frickin' way!" So the communication chain is getting better, but it's not perfect yet.

Told a few more people at work today and they totally agreed with Jeremy that it is exactly the news the Roundhouse needs right now - yay!

Switched rooms last night so our house is starting to look more and more like how it will look when the baby comes, well except we're missing the baby furniture, but at least we have a spot to put it now. Started reading a novel called Midwives by Chris Bohjalian last night and it's absolutely hitting the spot. All I want to hear about, talk about, read about lately is vaginas and what's going to happen to mine during this whole process. I am worse than a teenaged boy!! I am fascinated with descriptions of other peoples labours and the vocabulary associated with birth. I may be one of the rare people who actually looks forward to the birth part. I am still admittedly a little scared and nervous, but the more I read about it the more my mind is at ease. I think that if I will know exactly what's happening to me when the time comes, I will be able to just relax a bit more and enjoy it a little. I know all you mother's out there are laughing at me right now but my imagination is probably not speaking to reality yet, and perhaps in time that communication chain will work properly too...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

One person down...

So I told Jeremy, the Technical Director/boss of me at work today that I am indeed pregnant. He couldn't believe that I'd managed to keep it a secret for so long and although he was a little hurt that I didn't tell him sooner, he was very understanding of all my reasons why I hadn't. In fact once he got over the shock of it, he was downright excited for us. We ended up talking for about an hour and half about the near slip ups and morning sickness I had kept so well hidden. He suddenly understood why I really eat so much and why there is more food at my desk than office supplies. I felt/feel so relieved. It's this whole new door that has opened for Devinder and I. After work I ran into my friend Allen on the seawall. He asked me how I've been doing and I hesitated for a second, and then blabbed the news wihtout a"but don't tell anyone" at the end. I think I will try to wait til next week to tell the rest of the folks at my work as one of our staff will tomorrow burry her father who just died of lung cancer. Jeremy said my news is actually what our work needs right now as one other staff person was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Perhaps our little lemon (Claire's word for our wee one) can bring some much needed hope to the Roundhouse...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My favourite day...

Today I called in sick. True, in the last 3 months there were days when I was definately sicker than today and I never called in sick, but damn am I ever glad that I called in today. Today is my day to do whatever I want, and today I wanted to eat chocolate chip pancakes, so I did. I also started to organize all of my photos which have been is boxes since High School. I went out and bought a couple of photo albums and have been rumaging thru memories, listenting to loud music, eating whatever I want and drinking copious amounts of delicious rooibos tea. Could I have done that if I went to work today? I don't think so...
This is my belly at 14 weeks. I seem to be showing a bit already so I'm thinking it may be time to tell my work soon. I just finished the last of the paperwork yesturday, so now I just have to wait for it to go thru and then I will be officially offical and able to take maternity leave. Devinder and I were talking last night about how wonderful it will be to not have to keep secrets anymore...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Hello Second Trimester...

...hello mood swings!!! I have up until now been priding myself on how calm and stress free I've been feeling for the past 3 months. Aside from the morning sickness I hadn't been suffering from "Psycho Pregnant Lady Syndrome" (not an official term), unitl about 4 days ago. Du Dun Du Duuunnnnn!!! Please offer your love and support to Devinder whenever you see him. We never really fight, only ever have discussions when we disagree on things, but lately we've been snapping at each other, and I feel wholey responible. I snap at him and then I realise what I've said and then I appologize profusely. Can you say PSYCHO!!! Other wierd things have been happening in my head too, like I feel like I am auditioning Devinder for the role of the father of my baby. It sounds ridiculous, but I look at how Devinder takes care of himself, or rather I focus in on when he doesn't take care of himself and then I wonder if he'll be able to take care of our child alright. It's totally not fair to him and I know deep down that he is going to be an awsome father, but these are the things I think about and I find it very strange. Or maybe normal??

Some other things I've been experiencing are sharp shooting pains in my abdomen right above my pelvic bone. Our midwife explained this to be something called Round Ligament Pain, which is a very weird term til you actually read about it. Last night I barely slept because I had severe cramps, and it felt like I was going to get my period. Obviously I became paranoid and I spent most of the night going to the bathroom to make sure I wasn't bleeding. This I read is also associated with Round Ligament pain. I seem to be okay with the aches and pains of pregnancy once I can be assured they are perfectly normal and not a cause for concern.

What a wild ride this is, and a fast one too. I can't believe I only have 6 more months to go...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm Pregnant!!!!!

It took a while, and I almost accepted the fact that we weren't going to hear it, but then out of no where at 146 beats/minute we made contact with our baby and I burst into tears. I really am pregnant, I wasn't just barfing for the fun of it, I truly do have a living being growing inside my belly!! I feel so incredibly overjoyed and reassured and totally amazed!!!

In other great news, Amanda and Chris are pregnant again!!!!! And they're only 5 weeks behind us, so our children will only be about a month apart!! And now I have someone to be pregnant with!!

Sometimes life is just so damn good...