Monday, August 22, 2005

16 weeks

I spent the end of last week in bed with an ice pack on my hurting hurting head. My hunger increased 2 fold and it's like it took me a while to realize that I now need to eat EVEN MORE food, so I paid the price with a headache. Then I paid the price with the most violent round of puking yet, you know the kind where it comes out your nose! So when a bunch of our friends decided it would be great to go camping for the weekend, I wasn't so sure I wanted to spend the weekend at a beautiful lake, paralyzed by my headache and attracting bears with my vomit. Luckily I have fantastic friends and a great husband who packed all the gear and did all the shopping and let me make the decision to go or not on Saturday morning. I woke up virtually headache free and had the best time camping at Weaver Lake with some of my best friends. The weather was fantastic and we spent the day hiking and swimming and eating. I actually think camping is the best medicine for overly hungry pregnant women, because that's all you do is eat!

Yesterday Devinder and I went to town on our house clearing room for the truck load of baby stuff my dad is arriving with today. We're feeling a little overwhelmed with change and lack of space but uber excited to have a baby room with baby things in it. I dug out my baby blanket, baby curtains, old stuffed animals and a plate that was made by my mom when I was born. Devinder was reading last night that you can usually start to feel kicks between 16 and 20 weeks, so any time now for me. It is more common to feel them sooner with your second pregnancy than your first cause you remember what they feel like. My mom said at first they just feel like gas bubbles, which I have a lot of, so it's kind of hard to get excited and start thinking it's the baby kicking in case it's just gas!

I had a strange baby dream the other night (theyr'e all strange really). I was playing with our baby who had LOTS of black hair. I looked over at Devinder and asked him "so did we have a girl or a boy I can't remember?" He said "Girl" and I said "Oh yeah, right, Zoe..."


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