21 Weeks
We just returned from a wonderful trip to Devinder's family's farm near Saskatoon for his cousin Angie's wedding. We had such a great time it was hard for us to leave. There were probably over 50 kids at the wedding ranging in age from 3 1/2 weeks to 14 years old. We were asked if all the kid's were overwhelming and if we were having any "what have we done" thoughts about our impending parentehood. Both Devinder and I looked at each other and said "If anything it makes us even more excited to become parents, in fact we wish our kid was here right now playing with all his/her cousins..." It was great to be around so many children. Great for taking notes. Great for the mothering hormones which are in full swing. There was even a birth that tool place at the farm while we there as you can see below.
I am HUGE by the way!! I feel like my belly just popped overnight. I was only away from work for 5 days and when I came back everyone was commenting on how big I got while I was away. I think it might be time for me to finally purchase a few maternity clothes, especially pants, all mine seem to be digging into my belly. I am feeling really great lately, but the need for sleep seems to have increased considerably. I function best if I have a nap during the day. I was told to enjoy my first pregnancy and take all the naps I need because the next time I'm pregnant I'll be chasing around baby number one and won't have time to pamper myself. The only thing I'm not so happy about is my diet. I wish I could get it back on track, but I seem to be craving sweets and eggo waffles.
I had my first prenatal yoga class last night and I LOVED IT!!! It felt soooooo good to stretch my belly and being in room full of pregnant women was so amazing.
Glenna did do the ring on a string thing to see if we are having a girl or a boy and the ring said "BOY" over and over again. So we are concentrating on finding boy names now, since all we have is a girl's name so far. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
Oh and I almost forgot, the baby is kicking more and I can definately feel it now, and so can Devinder!!! It's the most amazing feeling in the world, our baby moving around inside my belly. Alison said Andrew kept her comapany on her long commute into work every day. Man do I ever love being pregnant now that I'm not sick anymore...