Monday, October 03, 2005

22 weeks

Everything is good except for this weird skin pain, which I am sure must just be my skin stretching, but it feels strange and sometimes I worry about it. Anyone else experience this while pregnant? It feels like the skin is bruised or like all the hairs on my belly are being pulled continually. I also woke up Saturday with a pulled butt muscle. I have no idea if this is related to being pregnant or not, but it made shopping for maternity clothes very painful. Yes I now own a pair of maternity jeans with the elastic waist band, and damn, they are the most comfortable thing in the world!!

I have been marveling at all the old wives tales for determining your baby's sex. Below I have listed the wives tales and my answer for each:

1. Conceived as soon as the egg dropped - YES, therefore BOY
2. Carrying High - I have been told I am therefore - GIRL
3. Craving sweets or Salts - Sweets, therefore - GIRL
4. Morning sickness in first trimester - YES, therefore BOY
5. Ring on a string test, back and forth or circles - back and forth, therefore - BOY
6. Chinese Calendar - GIRL
7. Fetal heart rate above or below 140bpm - Above, therefore - GIRL
8. Husband puts on weight during pregnancy - No, therefore - BOY
9. One breast larger than the other - Left breast, therefore - BOY
10. My Aunt Brenda's reaction when she saw the ultrasound - GIRL

Add em up and we have a shemale - ha ha ha ha ha!!! I can see why people wait to find out the sex of their baby - this is just too much fun!!


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