Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Modified Bed Rest

Well it seems I will not be returning to Vancouver to finish off one last week of work. It seems I am on my my maternity leave already. It's kind of funny how things panned out. I think the universe was talking to us and I am so glad we were listening. We were suppossed to head over to Vancouver last night but the Georgia Straight was being pounded with gail force winds causing the ferries to be rather delayed so we put off our plans til this morning. Yesturday evening I got the worst round of cramps yet, so bad I had to do some deep breathing to get thru them. Then just as I lay down to bed I experienced some more and then again this morning. So we called the midwife and she squeezed us in this mroning before our scheduled departure for Vancouver. After checking my cervix we learned that I am already 1cm dilated and the baby's head is very low in my pelvis. This would be good news if I was 37 weeks, but I am only 35 weeks and 2 days. Our midwife strongly reccommended that I do not go to Vancouver as planned, but instead remain here on modified bed rest. What does that mean exactly? It means I am to do nothing but lie around all day only getting up to pee and eat. I am not to stress or worry about the state of our unfinished house or the fact that I don't have everything ready for the baby or the birth. I am not to do any errands or even walk my own dog. I am to do NOTHING but sleep, eat, pee, read, bathe and watch movies. It's funny because that is exactly what I have been saying I want to do before the baby arrives, but somehow being told to do it doesn't make it as appealing. Not only that, Devinder won't be able to join me as he still has to finish the flooring and go over to Vancouver this weekend for one last day of work and to pick up the rest of our stuff. All I want is the very best for our wee little one, so mommy is taking a time out for 12 days until I am 37 weeks. After that time I can still have a home delivery and the baby will be fully developed and able to survive just fine outside my warm womb. Even if I had the baby today, it would survive, but it would be taken away from us and put in a little room and hooked up to tubes and fed all sorts of strange things.

I had a feeling I wasn't suppossed to go to Vancouver. In fact I had a vision of going into labour on the ferry, which is the last place I want to deliver my baby. I have also been feeling like this baby is coming early. I wonder if by not going to Vancouver if I will feel in a few days like everything will be just fine after all. I also got all emotional when our midwife was telling us all this. My brain kept going "holy shit, this is really happening, I am not going to pregnant forever after all, I really am going to be a mommy soon..."


Blogger Corinne said...

*hugs* Sit back and enjoy your bedrest. And most of all, don't worry... :) I'll be thinking of you these next few weeks (I'm home anyways, as no one wanted to hire a pregnant lady when I moved here, so... I've been virtually jobless this whole time). Have Devinder go rent a DVD of your favorite sitcom and just sit back and watch... That seems to help me pass the time... :) Keep me posted on how you're doing...

January 04, 2006 2:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Awww=( Sorry to hear that you are on bed rest...
Everything will go smoothly and you will give birth when you are supposed to (when you want to too!)
Feel free to email me if you need some cheering up. Take care!

January 04, 2006 4:11 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

I know you and your little baby will be just fine! Maybe this is nature's way of getting you to rest and relax because you won't be able to once the baby's born :) I agree with Corinne, use this time to catch up on movies you want to see or books you've wanted to read! Keep us updated!

January 04, 2006 6:43 PM  
Blogger sarahlocks said...

Marussias almost a mum & Devs almost a dad - I can't believe it! So soon you're developing pics will be replaced with wee tykes lil developing self - thats soo cool!Lots of positive thoughts going your way!

January 05, 2006 1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack! Good luck. My fingers are crossed that you make it to at least 37 weeks!

Special message to the baby: STAY INSIDE, sweetie! You aren't quite fully baked yet. Coming now will be harder work for you and will make your parents and all their friends and family worry.

(Not to mention all of us out here on the Internet who may never even meet you in real life.)

January 05, 2006 7:28 AM  
Blogger lagiulia said...

I'm glad there were some warning signs! Everyone tells you that if babies come out starting 34 weeks they'll be fine, and that's generally true. But as you know, mine came at 34 weeks, 2 days and were in the hospital for quite a while (granted, they were squished twins!). So you just do exactly what the midwife told you and stay off your feet. It's much easier said than done. Just laze around in bed or on the couch and watch tv or read, and have people help you as much as possible. The longer that little one can stay in there, the better for you both! Sounds like you have a curious little babe who is ready to see the world. Email me if you want any support- I've been on bedrest and know how old it can get really quickly.

January 05, 2006 7:32 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

glad you will be getting some much needed rest. enjoy this time with you and your little one inside soon enough he/she will be with you! how exciting. i am thinking of you and wishing you lots of good shows on tv!! all the best. can't wait to hear of the babies birth!

January 05, 2006 9:27 AM  
Blogger Anth said...

Hang in there! Seems like the final countdown has started a bit early due to the pert insistence of Baby! Listen to your body & baby, they are telling you to relax. I'm sure the bedrest will get old quickly, but at least your midwife put you on modified. And just think - these weeks may be the last time for a long time you can have hours of uninterrupted time to spend on yourself! I'm praying for you & your baby (& daddy too of course).

January 05, 2006 9:49 AM  
Blogger Isabel said...

Isn't is great how in tune we can be sometimes?

I hope you (and baby) can make it through the next little while without getting too bored.

Just try to enjoy the time to rest and get ready to snuggle your little one!

Good luck.

January 05, 2006 9:52 AM  
Blogger Reesh said...

Thanks everyone!! You are all so sweet and oh so right. I spent yesterday feeling a bit put off by the whole thing, but after waking up to your comments today I totally realise this is exactly what the baby needs. I will try to enjoy these last days of peace and quiet...

January 05, 2006 10:10 AM  
Blogger Avorie said...

How exciting! Just another 12 or so days! I'll eat a bon-bon for you since I'm "taking an easy" as well!

January 05, 2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger Oh Joy said...

Well Little Agnish, though I can't wait to meet little you, our newest family member I must say a couple more weeks would be good. Mostly b/c I know that your Mommy does NOT want to be hospitalized and have you taken to another room! I am not one bit worried about you at this point. Really you have not given us much reason to worry so far. But still and all...hang out there in your mommy for a couple weeks and watch TV. If she is watching something lewd kick her hard, someone has to monitor that girl!

We love you Little One!!! You are a lucky one to have the home that is being prepared for you and the truly wonderful Mommy & Daddy you get to have!

January 05, 2006 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Happening! I am so excited for you. Call if you need anything- Courtenay is only a hop, skip and jump away.

January 05, 2006 7:29 PM  

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