Friday, December 30, 2005

I Dropped the Baby!!

I had my midwife appointment yesturday and not only learned that the baby has turned and is now facing down, but it also dropped and is half way down my pelvis already!! What a good baby I have and to think I was worried! The dropping of the baby explains my increase in period like cramps thru the day, apparantly that's normal as it's head is rubbbing against my pelvis. As for my size, I seemed to have lost a pound for a total weight gain of 14 pounds. I am also 3cm under in my measurements, which is still in the low-normal range. If I am 4cm under by our next visit they will send me for an ultrasound just to make sure everything is tickety boo. In the meantime I am to eat more and do less - ha!! I eat ALL DAY LONG!! As for doing less, I would love to, but I am in the middle of moving and renovations. Luckily today is our BIG move and some sense of normalcy should return very soon. Oh and I also was able to look at my own cervix during a pelvic exam. If any of you have one in the near future before you start dilating, make sure to grab a mirror and have a look. It's absolutely amazing to see your own cervix completely closed and so tiny and then to try to imagine a big a head coming thru. Even as I write it I just can't quite imagine how that's going to happen. It really puts it all into perspective.

Devinder just leaned over and said "Don't forget to tell them about watching the baby move. Oh and you can tell them I think it's really cool!" My moms and my sister think it's pretty cool too! All of a sudden we can really SEE the baby moving. I thought feeling the baby move was the cats ass, but now, I just love staring down at my belly and watching he/she roll from one side the other. I can't believe I only have 5 1/2 weeks left to enjoy this all. I feel like I am going to be so lonely without my friend in my belly. I am sooooo excited about meeting our baby, but at the same time I am starting to feel a bit anxious about the whole thing, which I am sure is perfectly normal. It's almost like I feel the most anxious about getting enough Devinder and me time in without doing renos before the arrival of our new family member. I just want to have at least a week of quiet mushy cuddling and movie watching time cause it will probably be our last for a long time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so happy for you that the baby turned on his/her own! However, I am sickened by your 14 lb weight gain,okay jealous is the word to use. You are just too cute!

December 30, 2005 9:42 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

oooh how exciting. i too am so glad your baby turned. i love reading your posts they are the best! hope all goes well with your move. and yeah 14lbs. ugg i think i may have gained that already. well not really but it feels like it. anyways enjoy your day and thanks again.

December 30, 2005 10:39 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Congrats on your baby dropping! That is great news, one less thing for you to worry about! I think that I might miss feeling the baby move inside me once he's born, too, but I'm sure we'll both be a little distracted with our new additions :)

December 30, 2005 7:37 PM  
Blogger lagiulia said...

You'd be surprised- you just might have some movie-watching time even after the little one comes. Even with twins, we've had time to cuddle and hang out. It just depends on how much your baby sleeps, I think. Also, the feeling of anticipated lonliness after that little friend in your belly comes out is one I shared. However, as much as I cherish the memories of my pregnancy, there's nothing like having them here.

January 01, 2006 11:24 AM  
Blogger lagiulia said...

PS- do you mind if I link you to my blog? I haven't bothered to link anyone up to this point, but I'm going to start.

January 01, 2006 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you've dropped, you may not have 5 1/2 more weeks left to enjoy this! :) We've been told that the baby usually drops 2-3 weeks before birth.

I'm stunned that you've only gained 14 lbs. I think I gained that much in the first trimester. I was at 41 lbs last medical visit. Wow, human variation is amazing, isn't it?

January 02, 2006 9:44 AM  
Blogger Avorie said...

I'm glad to hear that baby dropped and all is well!

January 02, 2006 3:02 PM  
Blogger Anth said...

That's great the baby has dropped in preparation for his/her big day!! I can't believe your due date is so soon!
And don't fret about the weight gain. If you're eating all the time (yay for food), not acting like a crazy person (which it sounds like you're not) and your baby is healthy, what does it matter how much you've gained?

January 03, 2006 9:36 AM  

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